With Spring Break just around the corner and summer not too far behind, the topic of travel and vacations seems to be on everyone's mind. As parents, we try and make these breaks extra special by fitting in a family trip to the beach, to a park or to visit grandma and grandpa. But with the economy the way it is, are you struggling to find the extra time and money to travel? We want to hear your thoughts on this subject and how you are planning to spend the upcoming time-off from school with your kids. Please take 5 minutes to complete this short online survey regarding your thoughts on travel destinations and family vacations. Three (3) Lucky Moms will win a $25 Target gift card!
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your participation. And congratulations to the winners of our most recent survey:
Linda from North Carolina
Darlene from MichiganThanks again for your valuable insights!
If you are interested in participating in future MomSelect sponsored events and programs, register at MomSelect.com!