This is NOT and advertisement, you can see the advertisement on my review blog.
Okay, have you seen my kids? They are difinitely fair skinned and prone to burning, which makes living in the middle of the desert a difficult thing.
Up til now it has been a constant battle of wills to get them to wear sunscreen. They are doing much better about covering their heads though. "It's stinks! It's sticky! It feels gross! It burns my eyes!" are all things I hear when I try slather them with stuff or spray them on their way out the door so they can run around outside.
So as a person who knows how badly sun can damage your skin, I am glad Land's End has come out with this new line of clothing. I am actually really excited to try it and seeing as how we are going to reach almost 90 today, I will soon have the chance!
Can I just take this opportunity to say again how much I despise living in Phoenix in the summer? March 2nd...the rest of the country gets snow, we get 90 degrees. I'm scared...will we reach 100 in April? I'm not ready for the brain searing heat, people!